Captain George Flavel [1823-1893], a Columbia River bar pilot and a businessman, started building this Queen Anne style mansion in 1883 in Astoria, OR for his family; Mary Christina Boelling [1839-1928], daughters Nellie [1857-1933] and Katie [1864-1910] and son George Conrad [1855-1923].
Flavel House has been long considered one of the most haunted places in Astoria due to paranormal activity including apparitions of the Flavel family members.
Many can feel the heavy energy of the house especially on the 2nd floor, where the bedroom are located and where I was able to get several voice responses as well as in the dining room.
I also posted a picture I took of the outside window, that seems to have a face looking out at me.
Psychic Medium Jennifer Von Behren can see a male ghost wearing all dark clothes looking out the window. He is clean shaven and his energy feels creepy and off. He was someone, who did business with Mr. Flavel. Jennifer felt that he was killed by a Native American due to a bad business deal gone wrong.
The house energy feels 'stuffy' and not happy and light to Jennifer.
Jennifer can see a young girl in the music room, who feels to her like one of the Flavel daughters. Both Katie and Nellie spent a lot of time in the music room singing and playing instruments etc. and entertaining guests.
The 2nd floor energy, where the bedrooms are, feels very heavy to Jennifer. Someone is telling her about people being sick and she can see 2 people coming in and taking care of everybody. One of them is an elderly woman.
Both Mrs. Flavel and Katie had a long lasting illness. Mr. and Mrs. Flavel as well as Katie passed away on the 2nd floor.
I was told by a previous worker, that a well liked worker passed away in the washroom on the 2nd floor, that is located between the 2 girls bedrooms.
Psychic Medium Jennifer Von Behren felt that Mrs. Flavel was a kind person, even tho' she would put on a harsh persona. She felt a bit 'sneaky' to Jennifer. Mrs. Flavel kept the house tidy and clean and took a great pride of it.
Mr. Flavel was also a kind person, but got harder as he got older according to Jennifer.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Flavel feel very attached to the house. They like it and want to be there. They feel very close and seem to love each other according to Jennifer.
Mrs. Flavel was in the hallway by the family pictures and Mr. Flavel in his bedroom at the time of my visit.
I got the loudest voice response on the voice recorder in the toy room. Jennifer Von Behren could see Katie Flavel in the room with me. Katie has seen many ghost researchers in the house and she likes to 'mess ' with them.
Clatsop County Historical Society opened the Flavel House as a museum in 1951 and it was added to the National Register of Historic Places the same year.
This beautiful old Queen Anne style mansion is a must see when visiting Astoria.
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