Holy Cross Cemetery was established in 1931 by Bishop Charles D. White as a non-profit cemetery association. It became the official Catholic burial ground for the area later serving all Spokane-based parishes. The Funeral Home was added in 2013. Psychic Medium Jane Stewart from Ghost411 podcast was drawn to this cemetery several times as she passed by it. She saw a grey haired elderly male ghost, who's hair was parted on the side, dressed in black suit. She heard the word "soldier." Jane and I met up at the cemetery to see if we can connect with him. He was willing to talk to the voice recorder. He was visiting his wife's grave, as she had crossed over and he was not ready to cross yet. Sometimes ghosts stay behind, as they want to make sure the family members are ok. This was the case here. He missed his wife, but needed to stay until all was ok. He had a black and white longhaired shepherd looking dog with him. Jane also picked up a young female ghost at another section. Jane felt that she passed away giving birth to a baby, or she lost a baby and was visiting the baby's grave at the cemetery. We were not able to confirm her presence using the voice recorder.
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